Wednesday, February 11, 2009

EngSpeakingClub - Happy Valentine's Day

Because of love, Romeo and Juliet could rise over the long-term feud between the two families.

Owing to his burning love, stunning Jack risks his life to save his beloved Rose.

Their love is , obviously, not far from a beautiful ballad.

Love that melts even the toughest heart in the world

Love that twists the world around its little finger

And ……guess what? That is also mere love that prompts EC members to hold our next meeting on the so-called unlucky Friday- 13th

Try your luck this time. Check it out and enjoy our special surprise, a unique present on Valentine’s Day! Bet it'll be cool !!!

Remember our love destination:


FRIDAY - FEB. 13TH - 3:00 P.M.


kid said...

is it free???

ε[•ิ.•ั]з ˉ|ˉαˆךח ε[•ิ.•ั]з said...

Love is always for free my dear ^^

Hoang tu lo lem said...

Hey,our club is getting more n more attractive.Now let's cheer for that achievement...